Our Crusade: Forging Our Path Across This Grim ImperiumWhile we’ve been hard at work writing and explaining the various aspects of the game and it’s peripheral components we thought it might be…Mar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
The Economies That Run a Galaxy: The Two Currencies at the Heart of the ImperiumOur Grim Imperium is a game that incorporates two different economies: the OGIB ERC20 token and the OGIC in-game currency. While both…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
War Comes to the Imperium: See Your Strategy Play Out in Real Time and in StyleIn Our Grim Imperium, battles are not just a matter of strength in numbers or the size of an army. It’s about strategy, positioning, and…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
From Armory to Field: Assembling Your Armies for BattleThe Armory is where your armies come to life. It’s a place where you can build your own units, piece by piece, in a way that mimics the…Mar 12, 2023Mar 12, 2023
The Rogue Trader vs. The Chartist Captain: Exploring Our Dual Marketplace SystemOur Grim Imperium will feature two distinct marketplaces for players to buy and sell digital assets: the player-to-player (P2P)…Mar 11, 2023Mar 11, 2023
Our Grim Imperium Is Now KYC ASSURED✨✅™️ by Assure DeFi™️.We are proud & excited to announce that Our Grim Imperium has now been APPROVED and has completed the KYC verification process with The…Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
Our Grim Imperium: Bringing the Best of Tabletop War-gaming to the Digital WorldThe WhatMar 4, 2023Mar 4, 2023